HeartBeat Care

Australia’s first virtual Cardiology has arrived

Convenient Cardiovascular care in the comfort of your home

Why Virtual Cardiology

Reason 1:

Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in Australia

Reason 2:

Early detection can help prevent death from cardiovascular disease.

Reason 3:

Avoid lengthy wait times and receive quality heart care in the comfort of your home.

What we do?

Step 1

Echocardiogram performed at your home

Step 2

Report reviewed by cardiologist

Step 3

Results shared with you or your GP

Our Approach

We combine Artificial Intelligence and the latest ultrasound technologies to detect early cardiovascular disease and make healthcare more convenient for you.

How we help you.

Customer Story

Liz is 72 and lives in a retirement home. Due to mobility issues, Liz can’t get to a Cardiologist for a heart check-up. Her GP recommended a home cardiology service and HeartBeatCare was able to perform an echocardiogram for Liz at her home. The scan was reviewed by her cardiologist who identified early signs of Heart Failure and prescribed a blood pressure medication for Liz.

Customer Story

Neil received a valve replacement for Aortic Stenosis 18 months ago. His passion is travelling, however, since the valve transplant, he requires frequent cardiology follow-up visits. Neil connects with a virtual cardiologist for a routine follow-up to ensure everything is in check and can now enjoy his travel without any concerns or interruptions to his travel plans.

Customer Story

Julie is 55 and experienced sudden dizzy spells. Her daughter was worried about her health and booked a home echocardiogram and 24h Holter monitor service for her mum. The echo confirmed that Julie had Aortic Stenosis and she was referred to her Cardiologist for further follow-up. Because her condition was detected early, Julie’s cardiologist could intervene, and she is now back to active grandma duties.

What Our Customers Have to Say

We proudly support heartcare for the Nations First People

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